Stefan Nilsson 2007:
Skogsgeografi II. Om odlingslämningar i skogsbygd.
Forest Geography II. On remains of Agriculture in Forest Settlement Districts.
In this thesis issues on remains of agriculture in the county of Värmland, Sweden are discussed. The aim is to use a holistic approach when examining such remains, which goes beyond their mere morphology. Instead focus is put on their inner and outer geographies: the internal relations between dif-ferent elements of a single remain, and the external relations between the remain and its local context. Also, it is argued that it's necessary to approach this kind of remains with an open perspective regarding time. The diorama principle as expressed by Torsten Hägerstrand is used. It focuses more on closeness than on similarity.
Four separate studies are enclosed to the thesis as appendix's I-IV. The thesis ends with an outlook to a concept of relational landscape, derived from this work, with outlines to future studies. In Appendix I registered re-mains of agriculture are examined. In Appendix's II and III the role of agri-cultural remains for settlement geography studies are analysed. The role of agricultural remains as bearers of meaning in both history and present, and views and values of antiquarians and researchers as well as the public, is ex-amined in Appendix IV.
Hopefully a holistic view will illuminate agricultural remains as research source material and bearers of meaning, including both expert and lay knowledge, history as well as present time and the future. This is desired in order to handle such remains in a fair manner.
Key words: agricultural remains, Värmland, holistic approach, diorama principle, local geography, multi-disciplinary studies, contemporary bearers of meaning, relational landscape
Karlstad University Studies 2007:44